Friday, August 19, 2011

Sorry, Sperm Whales could not have Evolved in Stages

Sperm whales feed mainly on large cephalopods such as squid, which they find at depths of 400–1,200 meters during dives that can last more than two hours. At these depths, there is essentially no sunlight. What wisdom exists in the design of these magnificent creatures! It is utter folly to suggest that such a perfect biological system could have developed by chance and in stages. In deep, dark water, such a method for finding food either works right the first time or never at all.

Scientists have learned that sperm whales use echolocation, in much the same manner as do bats. During dives, sperm whales make loud clicks at regular intervals, listening to the reflection of these sound waves off any nearby objects, such as schools of squid. These clicks have high directionality, high
source levels, and frequencies around 15 kHz, suitable for long-range sonar.

Like bats, the whales are able to process the timing of reflected sound waves to develop a picture in their minds of the location of nearby prey. When prey are detected, the whales then make clicks with increasing
frequency to give more rapid updates on the precise location of prey just before capture.

The Bible teaches that living creatures were created according to kinds. Yes, the sperm whale is an example of a marine animal specially equipped by God to find food in its environment!

(from Jonathan C. O'Quinn, Sperm Whale Echolocation, Creation Matters, a publication of Creation Research Society, Volume 16, Number 3, May/June 2011, to appear at

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  1. Marko,
    The article states: "Sperm whales feed mainly on large cephalopods such as squid, which they find at depths of 400–1,200 meters during dives that can last more than two hours. At these depths, there is essentially no sunlight. What wisdom exists in the design of these magnificent creatures...Yes, the sperm whale is an example of a marine animal specially equipped by God to find food in its environment!"

    I've read a few books on the Old Earth/Young Earth debate. I'm intrigued by the discussion. There are folks I highly respect in both camps.

    Here's my question to you. Do you think God created the sperm whale with this appetite and ability, or Do you think the sperm whale developed(?) this appetite and ability after Genesis 3?

    Thank you and God bless.

  2. Marko,
    I'm not trying to pick a fight or debate you, new friend and dear brother in Christ! I am only interested in your opinion as to when/how the sperm whale was designed by God with this particular appetite and ability.

    I can think of a few options.

    1)God made the sperm whale with exactly the same appetite and ability it has today [the sperm whale is exactly now as it was Created].

    2)God made the sperm whale with a different appetite but the same ability [the appetite changed after the Fall but the ability was latent and remains unchanged--perhaps the Fall triggered this ability].

    3)God made the sperm whale with a different appetite and different ability [after the Fall both the appetite and the ability drastically changed].

    If one believes the appetite and/or ability changed, one then wonders "how"? Was it a natural process [evolution or "devolution," whichever one prefers]? Was it a supernatual process [a "re-Creation," if you will]? Perhaps we could say God supernaturally utilized natural processes?

    Romans 5:12 explicitly speaks of human sin and death. Many believe it implicitly speaks of all death [plant, animal, human]. More believe it implicitly deals with the death of all sensient creatures.

    Whichever interpretation one adopts, Rom 5:12 does not address my queries above.

    I am interested in knowing which of my 3 options above you believe. Or, do you have another option I've not mentioned?

    Please allow me to reiterate, I've no intention of debating. If you choose to now answer my question, I'd be appreciative. Either way...I'll accept your answer or non answer and simply leave it at that.

    I very much enjoyed reading your blog. Blessings to you and thank you for your service to Christ.

  3. Romans 5:12 does indeed have a great bearing on your question. It speaks of more than human sin and death, it also speaks to death entering into all of creation as a result of the fall (see Genesis 1:31, Romans 8:19-21). So Biblically speaking, your option one is ruled out. Animals did not kill other animals before the fall of Adam and Eve resulted on judgment on all of creation.

    Good is a good God, and created a perfect universe, not one that included sin and death. He created man to be above the angels, both spirit and flesh, as the pinnacle of creation. Death did not come to man by way of flesh, it came through sin. And death did not come to creatures by way of flesh either, but by way of man's sin, what a terrible thing.

    That leave your option 2 or 3. You ask "how did the appetite and/or ability change, by what process?" You could equally ask, how did death occur on a world where there was no death, but what process... Unfortunately, we cannot reach back by any scientific experiment or speculation to the time of the Garden of Eden. Yes, there was a break between the Garden and afterwards, between life and death. Humankind was affected, and all the creatures whom we had been given dominion over were affected also. This is why "All Creation groans with eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed, in the hope that it will be rescued from its bondage to decay, and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God" (Romans 8:19,21)

    It took me a decade of prayer and reflection to come to a young earth creationist position, and Masters degrees in both Physics and Pastoral Theology, stings as a research scientist and a church planter. I am convinced that our Creator God really did create the world in six days, sent a worldwide flood, resurrected his Son, and will re-create the entire universe anew without sin or death. This is all as the Bible says, and as creation scientists can attest to by their excellent research! Blessing to you, brother.
