It may seem strange that humans have evolved from fish, but the evidence can be found not just in fossils but also within our own bodies.It has long been known by many researchers, both evolutionists and non-evolutionists, that the fossil record fails to document Darwinism’s claim of gradual change from one kind of creature into another as one ascends the sedimentary rock units.2 Mosley tried to spin the evidence in favor of evolution:
The early human embryo looks very similar to the embryo of any other mammal, bird or amphibian—all of which have evolved from fish.His arguments mirror the long-discredited “recapitulation” theory of German zoologist Ernst Haeckel, who infamously stated that human embryos develop through ancestral stages—such as the fish stage—before specializing into people.3
Mosley then wrote:
Your eyes start out on the sides of your head, but then move to the middle.So what? Eyes have to start somewhere. It makes sense they should start on the sides of the head rather than the top or bottom.
And only in the strange land of Darwinism would someone suggest that hernias are throwbacks to a fish stage:
Inguinal hernias often require surgery, and if you are unfortunate enough to get one, blame it on fish.How could a patient say with a straight face, “This hernia is due to my fish ancestry”?
Mosley played the “no obvious function, so it must be an evolutionary leftover” card in regard to the philtrum, the grooved area on the upper lip just below the nose. He wrote:
[The philtrum] has no obvious function. Instead it is an accident of our origins, a clue to our fishy past and how our faces first formed.But the same “non-function” argument was erroneously applied to the appendix, adenoids, tonsils, coccyx (“tailbone”), and other structures and tissues that have since been found to have biological—not evolutionary—functions. The philtrum could allow people to show a wider range of lip motions, which enhances non-verbal and vocal communication. It has nothing to do with fish ancestry.
Amazingly, Mosley even tried to tie hiccups—that irritating spasm of the diaphragm—to evolutionary ancestry, although he stated it’s a “bit of evidence” that “we seem to have inherited from an amphibian ancestor,” a speculation based purely on the assumption of evolution.
It is hardly surprising that people and animals have blemishes such as hernias and hiccups. They are the result of the Fall and the Curse—not a fishy ancestry.
(for more, see Frank Sherwin, Fishy Evolutionary Explanations, Acts & Facts, Institute for Creation Research, August 2011)
References (selected)
1. Mosley, M. Anatomical clues to human evolution from fish. BBC News. Posted on bbc.co.uk May 5, 2011.
2. See Morris, J. D. and F. J. Sherwin. 2010. The Fossil Record. Dallas, TX: Institute for Creation Research; Denton, M. 1985. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, MD: Adler & Adler; and Werner, C. 2007. Evolution: The Grand Experiment. Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Publishing.
3. See Wells, J. 2000. Icons of Evolution. Washington, DC: Regnery Press, chapter 5.
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