Friday, October 08, 2010

Did Noah's Flood make the Grand Canyon?

Absolutely! The Colorado River did not cut the canyon. The Flood waters that covered the entire world did the job, and left the Colorado as a testimony! All according to God's plan.

Selections from The Origin of Grand Canyon, Part III: A Geomorphological Problem, by Michael J. Oard

Grand Canyon is one of more than 1000 water gaps across the globe. A water gap is a deep, perpendicular cut in a ridge, mountain range, plateau, or some other transverse barrier that carries a river or stream (Douglas, 2005). There are also many wind gaps around the world. A wind gap is a notch in a ridge or mountain range that was not quite deep enough for a river or a stream to run through it. Only wind passes through.

After the peak of Noah's Flood, the floodwaters which covered the entire surface of the earth retreated. This is when water gaps and wind gaps could have been formed. Here's how.

Step A. Flood water covering the tops of all the mountains and hills flowed perpendicular to transverse ridges beneath. This formed shallow notches on the ridges as you can see here.

Step B. Notches eroded further as the water level dropped below the top of the ridge. 

Step C. Floodwater continued to drain as notches deepened.

The formation of water and wind gaps
(drawn by Peter Klevberg)
Step D. Floodwater is now completely drained. The Colorado River is now running through the lowest notch, which is the water gap. 

A wind gap is left over in the area where erosion ceased earlier.

Evolutionary geomorphologists cannot credibly explain the Grand Canyon or other water gaps. That is because their uniformitarian paradigm forces them toward low-energy, longtime explanations, usually involving the rivers currently flowing through these water gaps.

But the Colorado River did not cut the Grand Canyon! That amount of erosion demands large volumes of water with elevated current velocities, operating at a scale unknown today. Only the Biblical Flood of Noah can provide a reasonable explanation.

The stubborn refusal of uniformitarian geologists to even consider the Genesis Flood as an alternative model demonstrates how tightly they are bound to their theoretical framework - quite the opposite of the cool objectivity that they project to the public.

(These selections by Marko Malyj is from the article published in Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal, Volume 47, Number 1, Summer, 2010, to appear at 

References (selected)

Douglas, J.C. 2005. Criterion Approach to Transverse Drainages. PhD thesis. Arizona State University, Tucson, AZ.

Oard, Michael. 2007b. Do rivers erode through mountains? Water gaps are strong evidence for the Genesis Flood. Creation Ex Nihilo  29(3):18-23.

What does Obamacare looks like?

"Find out what’s in it, away from the fog of controversy" - Nancy Pelosi
"The new law creates 68 grant programs, 47 bureaucratic entities, 29 demonstration or pilot programs, six regulatory systems, six compliance standards and two entitlements.....

"One of the more illuminating remarks during the health-care debate in Congress came when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told an audience that Democrats would 'pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it, away from the fog of controversy'....

"To fill this vacuum, Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, asked his staff to prepare a study of the law, including a flow chart that illustrates how the major provisions will work.

"The result, made public July 28, provides citizens with a preview of the impact the health-care overhaul will have on their lives.

"The Democrats’ takeover of health care creates a byzantine network of 159 new federal programs and bureaucracies to make decisions that should be between just the patient and their doctor

"Based on the administration’s own numbers, as many as 117 million people might have to change their health plans by 2013 as their employer-provided coverage loses its grandfathered status and becomes subject to the new Obamacare mandates.

"In addition to capturing the massive expansion of government and the overwhelming complexity of new regulations and taxes, the chart portrays:

  • $569 billion in higher taxes;
  • $529 billion in cuts to Medicare;
  • swelling of the ranks of Medicaid by 16 million;
  • 17 major insurance mandates; and
  • the creation of two new bureaucracies with powers to impose future rationing: the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and the Independent Payments Advisory Board.
"The central Obamacare mechanism for increasing insurance coverage is an expansion of the Medicaid program. Of the 30 million new people covered, 16 million will be enrolled in Medicaid. And you could end up in the program whether you want it or not.

"To pay for this expansion, the bill takes $529 billion from Medicare, with roughly 39 percent of the cut coming from the Medicare Advantage program. This represents a large transfer of resources, sacrificing the care of the elderly in order to increase the Medicaid rolls.

"For all this supposed reform, you, the American taxpayer, can expect a bill to the tune of $569 billion.

"Front and center among the new taxes is the 40 percent excise tax on those lucky people with so-called Cadillac health plans. The higher insurance costs that are driven by the government mandates will push many more ordinary plans into Cadillac territory.

"If the idea of taxing people with coverage deemed too good doesn’t bother you, maybe the new 3.8 percent tax on investment income will. That will apply even to a small number of home sales, those that generate $250,000 in profit for an individual or $500,000 for a married couple.

"In vivid color and detail, Congressman Brady’s chart captures the huge expansion of government coming under Obamacare. Harder to show on paper is the pain it will cause."

(For the complete Bloomberg commentary, see